
Always We Begin Again

Welcome to my official website!

It may not be apparent, but this site is many years in the making.  For nearly eight years I have been struggling to discern what direction my music needed to take.  After starting down many different avenues, multiple red lights have directed me here.  Or should I say us...

"Us" is appropriate on many levels.  1) My girlfriend, Hazel, is as much a part of this as I am.  We have become increasingly convinced over the last two years that our forces were meant to be combined in creating a multimedia ministry through music and visual art.  Everything from album art to font choice (Hazel's specialty) has been done on purpose and is meant to point towards the greater goal.  Which brings us to the next level of us...

2) It is not just about the music, art, or thoughts that we share, but it is more about the dialogue and shared struggles that I hope result from the music and writing.  The goal of my music is not to advance me in the entertainment world as a musician or an artist, but to be a catalyst for conversations and reflection between individuals and within communities.  If we aren't talking and meeting together, then what are we doing?  I am but a participant in this; one member of a complex body.

3) Most importantly, all of this has only been possible by the grace and sovereignty of God.  If it were left completely up to me, to us, the result would be empty at best.  As we all participate in the human experience, it is imperative for us to constantly seek after the face of God.  He is truly the Artist.  But it is not enough to simply expect that we could sit idly by while He does everything.  We are expected to be active participants in our own lives.  

The hope is that this would be a plethora of music, art, poignant postings, and mindless musings collected in a humble effort to stumble along in this sacred journey.  We will laugh, we will cry, it will be better than Cats.  There will be lyrics posted, art displayed, humorous thoughts, and religious reflections that we hope will supplement the music and lyrics.  And that is just the beginning...

In the spirit of the Benedictine Rule: "Always we begin again..." (Also the title of a great little book by John McQuiston that I highly recommend.)

Lap bars down. Arms in the air. Let's enjoy the ride.

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