
Creative Constipation

Ever feel like you have a lot of great ideas, but are fearful that they will never come to fruition? Sometimes I wish there was a company that specialized in idea refining. All they would need is a building, some smart people, and a few white boards. Then a person could walk in, spill their guts about a certain idea they've had floating around in their heads, then the specialist would tell them how good their idea is. If it stunk, they would say, "Sorry bud, probably not worth the time and effort, come back next week with something better." Or if it was brilliant: "Wow. That has a lot of great potential. Let's draw up some preliminary steps we can take to get the ball rolling. First, let's define......" That would help out a lot, because everything sounds like the next best thing when it's in my head. I think of it, I develop it, I judge it, I anticipate stellar responses, I then become ridiculously famous. But as soon as the idea slips past my lips and someone else hears it, that's a whole different ball game. The good news however, is that peer review and collaboration leads to much better ideas. There are a lot of great projects out there ready to be launched. Still, even if I found out my idea was great and would be successful, there's no guarantee that I would have the discipline, energy, or smarts to follow through. Sigh.


Reclaiming the Diversity of Spiritual Practice

Recently, there was an article posted by Dr. Albert Mohler on his blog that discussed Christian participation in the practice of yoga. He cites Stefanie Syman's book The Subtle Body: The Story of Yoga in America as being a "masterpiece of cultural history," and uses it as support for his comments on the issue. Mohler seems primarily concerned with educating Christians on the origins of yoga, which he then states is completely incompatible with Christianity. His stance on the issue is made most clear in this quote: "When Christians practice yoga, they must either deny the reality of what yoga represents or fail to see the contradictions between their Christian commitments and their embrace of yoga." Mohler fears syncretism and warns against a "'post-Christian, spiritually polyglot' reality."
Not long after its original posting, the Associate Press picked up on the post, and wrote an article that found its way onto the Yahoo news feed, as well as the front page of Greensboro's own News & Record. That article shed a little more light on Mohler's thoughts by highlighting a criticism and Mohler's response: "Mohler said many people have written him to say they're simple doing exercises and forgoing yoga's eastern mysticism and meditation. 'My response to that would be simple and straightforward: You're just no doing yoga,' Mohler said." In addition, Mohler himself wrote a second blog responding to the major publicity.
Let's pause there a second. My first objection at the time I first read the AP article, was what is the issue? At first it seemed to be any and all things yoga and Christians associating with it, but then the last bit about exercise made it seem like it was okay if people didn't fully participate in yoga. So are they just to call it something else? Is this all just an exercise in categorical titles? The tone in his blog posts told me otherwise. The posts are accusational, presumptuous, and condescending. While I originally intended to write this entire post rebutting his points, I find that John Mark Reynolds does a superb job in his article, found here. (Thanks to Randy for sending me that link.) Instead, I wish to highlight something that is lurking beneath the surface.
Our world today favors energetic, outgoing, technologically savvy people. In a globalized economy, business happens fast and it is constant, and so businessmen and businesswomen must be swift and consistently attentive to their jobs. Those who lag behind are beat out by their competitors. The church favors the same sorts of people. It likes the people who engage in small groups, youth groups, Sunday school, mercy ministry, children's ministry, picnics, Bible study, church meetings, etc., etc., etc. There is a major problem with this, and I would argue especially in the conservative Christian community. Believers are encouraged to go to church and the programs it offers, read the Bible, pray, and keep a journal. At least those are the four things I was told to do for my spiritual life, and I have a hunch that many of you have had similar experiences. Other practices (i.e., meditation, walking labyrinths, creation care activities, yoga, chanting, etc.) are often associated with liberal Christianity. Let's face it, liberal Christianity has adopted buzzwords like "progressive," "ecumenical," and "forward-thinking," and the rest of the world agrees. Why? I believe it is because the people are allowed to be themselves and to explore a spiritually diverse world.
In the October 2010 issue of Psychology Today, Dr. Laurie Helgoe reports that 50% of Americans are introverts. 50%!!! Why doesn't our culture reflect that statistic? Why doesn't our church culture reflect that statistic? Instead, we are asked to go out, get plugged in, get connected, meet more people, do more things, do do do, go go go. The truth is, there is so much more in a spiritual life than that. Jesus Himself is recorded as having withdrawn from the masses on plenty of occasions. There is a real need for solitude, silence, meditation, reflection. Why wasn't my good friend who loves to just ponder told about the guided meditations that are out there? Why wasn't he told about the desert fathers and mothers of the Christian faith? Why wasn't my girlfriend who loves animals and nature told about St. Francis of Assisi and his sermons to the birds? Why wasn't she encouraged to see that as connecting with God and the living Word of Creation? Why wasn't I told about the musical traditions of our rich Christian history? Why were we asked to join a 300 member strong youth group instead? Right now, the far left of Christianity are welcoming these things with open arms, and perhaps too loosely, leaning towards syncretism. But on the other side, people like Dr. Albert Mohler are publicly criticizing a large Christian demographic and drawing lines in the sand. Who feels loved by that? His comment of, "These people get bent out of shape fast" (emphasis mine) really caught my attention. These people? That is instant "us and them" talk. In the AP article: "I'm really surprised by the depth of the commitment to yoga found on the part of many who identify as Christians." Who identify as Christians?!?! I can think of an infinite number of BETTER ways to approach this issue.
But this is only one example of who conservative Christian churches, leaders, and other communities are failing believers all across America and even the world. We have got to reclaim this rich myriad of spiritual practice. It can be done Biblically, theologically, and for the spreading of the Gospel. We have to be willing to engage culture in a way that is accepting, open, and loving without compromising the integrity of Scripture and doctrine. There are millions of people searching, yearning for a personal spiritual life, and the sad part is that many are already in church every Sunday. We cannot force people into spiritual activity that blatantly conflicts with their personality. God desires to know us, not as a human race, but as individuals. Mohler is right on one thing: spiritual practice should never become the end in itself, we should always be focused on Jesus. But I believe there is a lot of freedom in how that relationship develops and is sustained.
This is my stand. I will not allow comments like this to permeate the airwaves, printing press, and cyberspace and alienate millions of believers. Please join with me in reclaiming the lost spiritual practices that can help bring the other half of America into deeper relationship with Christ. Help me reach those who dread being called on in a Bible study. Help me reach those who aren't fueled by social gatherings. There is a place for every single type of person in the Kingdom, so let's stop closing doors and start opening conversation. I don't know exactly how it will look, but it's starting now. Who better than me and you? What better time than now?
Thank you Al Mohler for the inspiration you have given me. I know this probably isn't what you intended, but the Lord works in mysterious ways.


Make friends. Make music.

We all know that daily schedules are filled to the brim and then some. But occasionally, there are a few spare moments the find their way into our hectic routines. In those moments, I get ecstatic and then almost instantly frustrated because I realize at that moment that I have the opportunity to do any of the things I have been telling myself I wanted to get to all week, and ultimately end up feeling too tired to do them. It's a moment of "Yes! I can finally take a moment and ____." Followed by, "All I really want to do is sleep," or even worse, "There's too many things I want to do to choose from, so I won't do any." Perhaps I should keep a Top Ten list handy. That way I can go right to number one even when I am in an exhausted stupor and too tired to think straight.

Atop that list would probably be this new idea for a band that I have. It's been brewing for quite some time, and I have put the idea out there to only a few people, so I wanted to give a quick overview to those out there in cyberspace. So here goes...
In my music library (which I am proud to say is quite diverse and over 500 strong), I have found that there are only a few artists who produce beautiful, captivating music, while utilizing advanced music theory. A lot of artists are either four chords but catchy, or complex and so far into left field it can give you a headache. But there are some who live comfortably in the middle of the venn diagram and provide us music nerds with something intricate and theoretically rich, while taking your mind, heart, and soul on melodic journeys that get you humming and tapping your feet. My idea for a band is centered around being that type of group. I want to explore time signatures, harmonies, modes, keys, etc., and weave it into a popular, accessible sound. The lyrics would have to be poetic and have redemptive eternal qualities in order to make it a well-rounded engaging experience. I would also like it to be very flexible in terms of how it could be heard. It would have to be large enough to manage complex harmonies and such, but small enough to be a local band side project. I was thinking mainly an acoustic sound, maybe one electric guitar and electric bass. The big thing would be that instead of a drum kit, it would have a multi-person percussion section. By using hand drums, chimes, tambourines, hand claps, and pretty much any other rhythm oriented thing, it would be a completely different sound than what we're used to in pop music, and would also be easy to build up and scale down depending on the venue. The only other part I have considered is that I want it to be very real and honest. Not a lot of effects, electronics, samples, or anything...just people, music, and rhythm. I want it to have a very "earthy" or "raw feel to it. The solo CDs I have put out reflect that concept as well. I already have some songs written, just need some friends now.
At any rate, that's what has been going on inside my brain these last few weeks. I'm compiling a list of influences in the meantime. Perhaps one day...until then...happy listening. And do yourself a favor, go buy The Fire Theft and let it wash over you like a gentle tide on a warm spring evening. Goodnight.