
Good News

"We are far worse than we would ever dare to believe." That will always be true, but its impact grew deeper and wider for me an hour ago. Driving the familiar road back to the apartment, I looked to my left at Oak Hollow Lake. The scene was stunning. The soft orange-pink of the sunset robed itself in the fall hues of the trees, placid waters below and a couple of elegant herons drifting by above. Nothing had ever felt as real as it did in that moment, it almost had gravity of its own. My soul felt filled, and I knew that this was the kind of thing we were supposed to know and enjoy for eternity. I would argue that we are still supposed to be doing that today, but have lost ourselves in the contrived importance of our days. There is nothing more important than relationship - with Creator, creation, and the created.

But I have not done that. I have not been anywhere close to that. And one last thing crossed my mind. I usually think of being saved as being rescued from this earth, that I am being directed towards heaven instead of hell. But I sense now that I have been in the grips of hell all along.
That is very good news.

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