I have started a new project entitled A (New) Song. It is essentially a collection of hymns that I have retuned, smoothed out, or otherwise updated. As a worship leader, it is important to be sensitive to the needs and preferences of the congregation and the worship team, and over the years that has meant lowering the key of some songs or writing out chords (and capo chords) to more difficulty harmonized hymns or even scrapping the original melody and transplanting the rich lyrics into a new melodic soil. Each month (around the 2nd Sunday) I will be posting a (new) hymn to my PureVolume website. Along with a recording, there will also be chord charts posted both here and the PV site. And the best part is, they will all be available as FREE DOWNLOADS. Please take the ones you like and share them with your congregation. I'm very excited about this ongoing project and hope that you join me in worshiping and playing - and maybe even suggesting a hymn or two you'd like to hear updated!
"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth."
--Psalm 96:1

Delightful! I love how the chording and the rhythm come together to create a sense of wonder and excitement throughout the hymn. I really love the chord transitions that you've chosen between verses.