
High Country Praise Festival 2011

A new show has been added!!! On September 4th I will have the honor and privilege of being the opening act at the High Country Praise Festival in Boone, NC. Every year thousands of people gather at the Holmes Convocation Center to worship God and hear the Word. There is a lot of great music, motivational speakers, food, games, and more. Tickets are only $5, so if you don't have any Labor Day weekend plans, this might be the place for you. You can buy tickets here.
It is an event sponsored in large part by Son's Light Ministries, a group of folks that have been kind enough to support me in ways too many to count. They are doing great things for the Kingdom, and so I hope you check out the website or even pay them a visit at the coffee house in Boone. It's like Cheers...even being there once everyone is sure to know your name and be glad you came.
If you make it out on Sept. 4 be sure to come by my table along the outer ring of the Holmes Center and say hello. Even if you don't, say hello anyway in your prayers.


A (New) Song

I have started a new project entitled A (New) Song. It is essentially a collection of hymns that I have retuned, smoothed out, or otherwise updated. As a worship leader, it is important to be sensitive to the needs and preferences of the congregation and the worship team, and over the years that has meant lowering the key of some songs or writing out chords (and capo chords) to more difficulty harmonized hymns or even scrapping the original melody and transplanting the rich lyrics into a new melodic soil. Each month (around the 2nd Sunday) I will be posting a (new) hymn to my PureVolume website. Along with a recording, there will also be chord charts posted both here and the PV site. And the best part is, they will all be available as FREE DOWNLOADS. Please take the ones you like and share them with your congregation. I'm very excited about this ongoing project and hope that you join me in worshiping and playing - and maybe even suggesting a hymn or two you'd like to hear updated!
"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth."
--Psalm 96:1


Change and the Unchangeable

Life brings us changes on a regular basis. Sometimes the changes are small, like your favorite television show moving to a new night or another traffic light. But sometimes the changes are big, like moving to a new state or a promotion or a new member of the family. We find ourselves in a constant state of inconstancy. So where do we find stability? Who or what can we count on to help maintain our equilibrium? Or for Inception fans - what is our totem?
If we are to believe Hollywood, the answer would be ourselves. We are told to seek what we want, be ourselves, follow our hearts. Though it's hard to admit sometimes, my heart is not made of the most reliable stuff. I am fickle and inconsistent.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who
can understand it?"
--Jeremiah 17:9
If we are to believe our nation's leaders, the answer would be the government. Through programs and agencies our needs will be met, our routines regulated, and our safety made certain. But no amount of rules or committees could ever account for all of our trials and triumphs in this life. The leaders change, the beliefs change, the country changes. The government is made of fine men and women, but even the finest still have fallible hearts.
"Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot
--Psalm 146:3

If we are to believe science, the answer would be the laws of nature. Gravity, inertia, angles of deflection - these things remain unchanged from the world around them. But will gravity always stand by my side? How are the raging seas of my soul to be calmed by mathematical formulas, theorems, and postulates?
"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and
served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever
praised. Amen."
--Romans 1:25

There must be something greater. The things of man simply do not offer hope of the disordered becoming ordered again. Even nature, over which we have almost no mastery, does not provide us with comfort or hope for wrongs to be righted. At a time in my life when many things are changing and I'm surrounded by a lot of newness and unknown, there is but One who can provide peace.
"People swear by someone greater than themselves, and the
oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.
Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his
purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he
confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two
unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie,
we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us
may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an
anchor for the soul, firm and secure."
--Hebrews 6:16-19a

This has been of great help to me. I hope it is for you as well. And here is one last bit easier to memorize that I hope you can keep with you throughout every step of your day:
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
--Hebrews 13:8


PureVolume Site Launched!

Just a quick music update here. Starting today I have a new PureVolume site that is going to serve as my musical home base. I will still be frequenting this blog as well as my SoundCloud site (linked to your right), but the PureVolume site provides a much better online presence and musical community.
Right now both albums "Diary of a Sinner" and "Home" are streaming in their entirety as well as a few available for MP3 download. Leave comments, be my friend/fan, check the events and blog, and join the fun!
