
Resolution Progress - Month 1

One month into my decision to read the Chronicles of Narnia (and a few others along the way), I can confidently say that I have made good progress. Here is the list and current status:
C of N #1: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
In Constant Prayer - Robert Benson

A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

C of N #2: Prince Caspian (in progress)

I'm not sure I have actually ever completed three books in one month, so I'm really rather proud. Reading LW&W was good, but it is the one I know the most. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series since they are essentially brand new stories to me.
Benson's book focused primarily on the notion that we are to "pray without ceasing." His personal and honest style of writing made it very accessible and a delightfully enriching read. Benson heavily suggests that we turn to the ancient tradition of the Divine Office, or Liturgy of the Hours, in order to work towards constant prayer. Loved it.
Bill Bryson is the author of some hilarious travel books, including A Walk in the Woods and In a Sunburned Country. However, Short History... is a dense exploration of what we believe the universe to be made of, who helped us get to that place, the science involved and how it was invented, and where perhaps we are headed. I may post another blog entirely on this book because it really got some stuff bouncing around in my noggin. Worth a look if you have a stomach for that kind of thing.
For now I hope to keep up the pace in February and get through a couple more. In unrelated news, I'm going to build furniture. That's all for now. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm using goodreads.com to track my book progress. You can write reviews and check your progress through your list of to-reads. Check my page out:

