
Tension and Transition

  1. Two shows have been added which can be viewed on the right hand side of your screen. I am opening for a great band made up of even greater guys. I got a chance to hear Joe Next Door at their EP release show last Saturday and they rocked the house. Be sure to check out their website here! I'll be starting at 8:00pm sharp on both dates so get there a little early. And if that isn't enough reason to come out and have a great time, you'll be able to support local businesses Maya Art Gallery and Tate Street Coffee as well. It is sure to be a night of music and fun so I hope to see you there!
  2. The music you hear is provided by BandBox, a service dedicated to making music as available as possible with as little stress as possible. Soon, (which roughly translated means I have no idea when), the music will be available for download, so keep your eyes- and ears - open!
In other news...

My words are few at the present moment. But there are two words that have been persistent through the verbal drought: "tension" and "transition." And how often those words come hand in hand. For most of us the tension is in the transition of government, workplace, and/or family. For me specifically, I have found a lot of tension in the transition from college to home. Yet in most transitions, the tension comes not only from the difficulty of change in itself, but from the positives and negatives that lay on either side of us. Behind us are the joys of familiar places and sorrows of past mistakes, while in front of us are the excitement of new possibilities and the fear of uncharted territory. It's what Parker Palmer might call "standing in the gap." Perhaps it's what the Puritans meant by the "valley of vision." It is what I have come to know as the present. For where we are going cannot be the same place as where we stand. But we should take heart in knowing that the tension in transition means at least we are moving, and indeed should pray it is always so. I don't have a remedy for the pain, nor knowledge of what we'll face tomorrow. I have only a few encouraging words:
"It's true what they say, that we're all sinners. But one day we'll be made new. With His love shining down and His grace all around, wrapping His arms around you. Take heart and rise again, until then."
--From "Until Then" (listen below)
"Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
--Psalm 61:1-2


  1. There is a tide in the affairs of men,
    Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
    Omitted, all the voyage of their life
    Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

    [William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar]

  2. Very nice...praying for the transition.

  3. Excellent insight. Time reveals all......
