

I am a lover of music. I love everything about it. From the simple summertime windows-down pop song to the intricate, beautiful complexity of the masters in their craft, it captivates me. My knowledge and collection grows constantly, and I hope that growth continues each day even into the everlasting, where music is sure to be at its finest. There is so much to my relationship with music that I'm not even sure I could put words to it. But every once in a while, something specific jumps out to me. This morning I was struck by Truth in an unlikely place.
I love when secular music gets it wrong. (I don't particularly like the phrase "secular music," but it will work for this purpose). When a song starts down a road that is contrary to my convictions, sometimes it can be frustrating, uncomfortable, or in extreme cases, offensive. But there are other times when it actually strengthens my faith and helps to solidify my thoughts. Take this line from a Desaparecidos song:
"And it reads just like the Bible
Twenty centuries of scandal
Yeah, it all depends on how you interpret it"
I still smile when I think about it. The truth of something is not dependent on our evaluation of it. No matter how much I convince myself that gravity is a myth, the fact remains that gravity is very, very real. That thought gets rooted deeper into my daily life the more I hear this song. And that leads me into worship. I rejoice that God's ways are not my ways and that His thoughts are not my thoughts. No matter how crazy life gets, I can trust in the Truth of Scripture.
I also love when secular music gets it right. Part of me believes that secular artists have a better perspective on the human condition and the human experience than Christian artists. Perhaps there is a pressure on Christian artists to constantly watch what they say. Nonetheless, I often benefit from the insights of secular artists and believe it valuable due to the common grace extended to us all. Take this excerpt from an Ani DiFranco song as an example:
"But as bad as I am, I'm proud of the fact
That I'm worse than I seem.
What kind of paradise am I looking for?
I've got everything I want, and still I want more..."
The first two lines remind of just how big of a sinner I am. It brings to mind a quote I once heard (forgive me for any inaccuracy): "Cheer up - you're worse than you think. And you're loved more than you know." I don't think I'm proud of that, but there is an element of humility to the realization that I am worse than I seem. I can put on a happy face with the best of them, but the truth is my heart is nowhere near the condition required by God. And there is so much joy in the fact that the blood is enough to even cover that. The second two lines are quite familiar as well. Satisfaction is often elusive, which is something I am working to correct. Not only are those lines a comment on my greed and attitude, but they urge me to seek out the One who Satisfies. My prayer is that the Lord continues to draw me into Himself, and that He might do the same for Ani.
The Lord can work through everything. I believe this is just one of a bajillion ways He speaks into my life through my love of music. I pray that whatever things captivate you in life are filled with things to strengthen your faith and markers of the Eternal.


Stuff Happens When You Do Stuff

Firstly, I am now officially over 100 plays on SoundCloud!!! I greatly appreciate all of the folks who have spared a few minutes to listen. Local music is made possible by local people. Part of the hope is that my songs are the first part of a longer conversation, so please feel free to comment on this blog or on the songs so we might fulfill perhaps the greatest end of art: community.
I also wanted to be sure and say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came to see Hazel's photography and hear Zoo and I play - especially given the extra driving to the "back-up venue." Although things didn't quite go according to schedule, I felt the evening was fun and hope we can do it again sometime. Be sure to check out Zoo and Joe Next Door.
That night got me thinking about a lot of things. It made me want to play out a lot more for one thing. I really only play a handful of times a year, and with how much fun it is, I ought to increase that number. The night also renewed my sense of adventure. A friend and I have started using the phrase: Stuff happens when you do stuff. While it is a rather unremarkable sentence, it still has significance. The bottom line is that if you spend all your time isolated in a life-sucking routine, you don't experience existing and this adventure that is your lifespan. So when the night gave us one curve, we adjusted and took action. Everything turned out just fine in the end, and we all got to experience a wonderful evening of the arts. We did stuff, and stuff happened. Just yesterday Hazel and I took a trip down to Charlotte just to have a fun Saturday. As we were driving, we saw a sign for Mallard Creek Church Road, and then promptly saw a Mallard flying down to what looked like a small creek with a paved walkway. So we exited the interstate and tried to find it. We never did, but we did stumble upon the Reedy Creek Nature Center and got a chance to walk around and see some beautiful scenery. While we must always use the brains God gave us to make the best decisions, that doesn't mean we don't set out to blaze a trail every once in a while. Being with friends, supporting local art, going with the flow...that is a beautiful thing. Do yourself a favor: do stuff...because stuff happens.


Grace Arts Community Outing

The Grace Arts Community (GAC) is a group focused on participating in creative opportunities by sharing individual art, facilitating artistic discussion, and attending community performances/exhibits. This Friday April 8, there is an excellent opportunity to join GAC in supporting local art and to make some new friends.
Hazel Ellis, my fiance, has two photographs on display in a gallery in the WFU Medical Center. After we go to view the gallery, we will be heading over to Cafe Roche where my good friend Zoo and I will be playing some songs. Come on out to one or both and enjoy a fun night. Info is on the right of the screen.