
New Shows Added!!!

I hope this post finds you all well. Two new shows have just been added and can be seen at the right side of your screen.
The first is at a Shakespeare & Co., a wonderful little bookstore/coffee shop in Kernersville. Come out and enjoy a great cup of coffee or smoothie, check out their excellent selection of books, and enjoy friends and music. I have also heard that there is a wine bar nearby as well as a beautiful courtyard - so pray for nice weather...but no matter what the weather is like, it will be a night you will not want to miss!
The second show listed is at Son's Light Coffee House in Boone, which I highlighted in my previous post, and it is a benefit concert for Why the Woods - which I also highlighted below, so please check out their websites. I am not kidding when I say this place is phenomenal. I absolutely love being in Boone (especially in the Fall!), being with these great people, and I am amazed every time at how supportive they are of local music. So take a road trip, make a weekend vacation of it, do whatever you want but you should definitely be there Friday night!!! Great cause, great people, great coffee, great music, great fun.
More details on that show soon...other artists...new songs revealed...keep checking back for updates!!!
God bless.


Son's Light Ministries and Why The Woods

It has come to my attention that I have not posted anything in quite some time.  After thousands of emails complaining about such a catastrophe, the new post is finally here.
I recently had the opportunity to attend the High Country Praise Festival in Boone, NC and had a great time.  There was good music, engaging speakers, and most importantly - great people.  The event was put on by Son's Light Ministries, and if you have a spare few minutes I would highly recommend you taking the time to check out their website to learn more about what they do.  Everyone involved in that ministry is truly a servant of the Lord and they are all really, really great people.  Son's Light is also very involved with another ministry called Why The Woods, and here is their Mission Statement straight from their website:
"WhyTheWoods is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization passionate about showing the Love spoken and lived by Jesus Christ. Our mission is to enable others to pull themselves out of poverty and/or hopelessness by empowering them with Love, Hope, and Knowledge. We go into the woods, the wilderness, the jungles, the deserts, the mountains, the city streets, and beyond to show others His love and His peace."
It is a ministry that was started by Billy Riddle, an Appalachian State University football player and senior this year who is such a great guy and has already done so much for many people.  I have had the privilege and honor of playing a couple of benefit concerts at Son's Light Coffee House for Why The Woods and would not trade those experiences for the world.  With the money raised from those events, they have already provided the people from the village of Wadupe in Sudan with clean drinking water - and that is just the beginning.  They are focusing their efforts now on providing education for the village.  Please take time to learn about the great things God is doing and to find ways of helping out.  
So if you're ever in Boone, make a point to stop by Son's Light Coffee and say hi, they would love to see you.  Take care.